Results for 'Hans G. Nutzinger'

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  1. Examining Phronesis Models with Evidence from the Neuroscience of Morality Focusing on Brain Networks.Hyemin Han - forthcoming - Topoi:1-13.
    In this paper, I examined whether evidence from the neuroscience of morality supports the standard models of phronesis, i.e., Jubilee and Aretai Centre Models. The standard models explain phronesis as a multifaceted construct based on interaction and coordination among functional components. I reviewed recent neuroscience studies focusing on brain networks associated with morality and their connectivity to examine the validity of the models. Simultaneously, I discussed whether the evidence helps the models address challenges, particularly those from the phronesis eliminativism. Neuroscientific (...)
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  2. G. Priest's An Introduction to Non-Classical Logic (2001). [REVIEW]Hans-Peter Leeb - 2003 - History and Philosophy of Logic 24:65-66.
    The review gives a short description of the content of the book and discusses the treatment of conditionals in it.
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  3. Hans-Georg Gadamer. Los seres humanos se relacionan con el mundo a través del lenguaje.María G. Navarro - 2017 - Barcelona: RBA Editores. Colección «Aprender a pensar».
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  4. Portraits of Philosophers.Hans Maes - 2019 - In Portraits and Philosophy. New York, NY: Routledge.
    This paper presents a close analysis of Steve Pyke’s famous series of portraits of philosophers. By comparing his photographs to other well-known series of portraits and to other portraits of philosophers we will seek a better understanding of the distinctiveness and fittingness of Pyke’s project. With brief nods to Roland Barthes, Jean Baudrillard, G.W.F. Hegel, and Arthur Schopenhauer and an extensive critical investigation of Cynthia Freeland’s ideas on portraiture in general and her reading of Steve Pyke’s portraits in particular, this (...)
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  5. Different Kinds and Aspects of Bullshit.Hans Maes & Katrien8 Schaubroeck - 2006 - In Hardcastle Reisch (ed.), Bullshit and Philosophy. Open Court.
    In this paper, we aim to show that there is a particular kind of bullshit that is not dealt with in Harry Frankfurt’s and G.A. Cohen’s critiques of bullshit. We also point out the evaluative complexity of bullshit. Frankfurt and Cohen both stress its negative and possibly destructive aspects, but one might wonder whether bullshit need always and necessarily be reprehensible. We will argue that there are positive or at least neutral aspects to some kinds of bullshit.
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  6. The construction of transfinite equivalence algorithms.Han Geurdes - manuscript
    Context: Consistency of mathematical constructions in numerical analysis and the application of computerized proofs in the light of the occurrence of numerical chaos in simple systems. Purpose: To show that a computer in general and a numerical analysis in particular can add its own peculiarities to the subject under study. Hence the need of thorough theoretical studies on chaos in numerical simulation. Hence, a questioning of what e.g. a numerical disproof of a theorem in physics or a prediction in numerical (...)
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  7. Field equations, quantum mechanics and geotropism.Han J. F. Geurdes - manuscript
    The biochemistry of geotropism in plants and gravisensing in e.g. cyanobacteria or paramacia is still not well understood today [1]. Perhaps there are more ways than one for organisms to sense gravity. The two best known relatively old explanations for gravity sensing are sensing through the redistribution of cellular starch statoliths and sensing through redistribution of auxin. The starch containing statoliths in a gravity field produce pressure on the endoplasmic reticulum of the cell. This enables the cell to sense direction. (...)
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    Kant y Hume: la respuesta a un escéptico.Carlos G. Patarroyo G. - 2006 - In Carlos G. Patarroyo G., Luis Eduardo Hoyos & Gonzalo Serrano (eds.), Kant: entre sensibilidad y razón. Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia. pp. 73-104.
    Este texto puede dividirse en dos secciones: en la primera se expone la filosofía de Hume: los principios que adopta y defiende, y cómo ellos lo han de llevar inevitablemente a sus conclusiones escépticas, en especial acerca de la necesidad de las relaciones causales. En la segunda se examina el lazo que hay entre Hume y Kant, cómo la filosofía del primero da pie para que el segundo comience sus investigaciones críticas o, como él lo llama, permite que “despierte de (...)
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  9. Karel Lambert, Free Logics: Their Foundations, Character, and Some Applications Thereof (Prophil Projekte zur Philosophie Bd. 1. Eine Schriftenreihe des Forschungsinstituts Philosophie/Technik/Wirtschaft an der Universität Salzburg). Sankt Augustin: Academia-Verlag, 1997. 156 pp. Asch. 239. ISBN 3-89665-000-9. [REVIEW]Hans-Peter Leeb - 2001 - History and Philosophy of Logic 22:233-236.
    Free logics aim at freeing logic from existence assumptions by making them explicit, e.g., by adding an existence premisse to the antecedence of the classical axiom-schema of Universal Instantiation. Their historical development was motivated by the problem of empty singular terms, and that one of simple statements containing at least one such singular term: what is the referential status of such singular terms and what truth-value, if any, do such statemants have? Free logics can be classified with regard to their (...)
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    A favor de las obligaciones imposibles.Carlos G. Patarroyo G. - 2021 - Logoi 39:52-74.
    En este artículo ofrezco una defensa de la posibilidad de las obligaciones imposibles al ofrecer argumentos en contra de la idea según la cual estas obligaciones son un sinsentido, pues la función esencial de una obligación es la de ser una guía para la acción, y una obligación imposible no puede indicar ninguna acción a realizar. Pretendo mostrar cómo la idea de que las obligaciones han de ser guías de acción, en conjunto con la máxima “deber implica poder”, lleva a (...)
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  11. Genealogical Inquiry and Universal Moral Values.G. Cavallo - forthcoming - Dialegesthai. Rivista Telematica di Filosofia 2017.
    Inspired by american pragmatism and Hans Joas' proposal of an affirmative genealogy, I argue in this paper that a genealogical inquiry (both on the biografical and on the historical level) can explain what motivates individuals to moral agency better than Kantian moral philosophy, without renouncing an historically-informed conception of universal moral values.
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  12. Platon'un Toplum İdeali İçerisinde Kadının Yeri.Mete Han Arıtürk - 2016 - Posseible 10 (5):28-38.
    Öz -/- Antikçağ’dan modern dönemlere değin kadınların mevcut durumlarının iyileştirilmesine dair çalışmaların sayısının oldukça yetersiz kaldığını söylemek yanlış olmayacaktır. Bu bağlamda siyaset felsefesinin kurucu metinlerinden olan Devlet’in hem yazıldığı dönem hem de takip eden iki milenyuma yakın süre hesaba katıldığında kadınların toplumdaki rolü ve konumu üzerine oldukça radikal ve yenilikçi fikirleri barındırdığı açıktır. Bu çalışmada Platon’un diğer çalışmaları da hesaba katılmakla birlikte özellikle Devlet adlı eseri nezdinde nasıl olup da kimi düşünürlerce hem bir mizojinist hem de bir kadın hakları savunucusu (...)
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    Aprender a Aprender: La apuesta pedagógica de la Universidad del Rosario.Carlos G. Patarroyo G. & Maria del Rosario Navarro - 2017 - Reflexiones Pedagógicas 9 (1):1-8.
    Este documento presenta las conclusiones del ejercicio de reflexión realizado por un grupo variado de miembros de la comunidad rosarista, en torno a la educación de calidad que deseamos, que se llevó a cabo en el marco del aterrizaje del nuevo PID 2020, donde aprender a aprender tiene un papel protagónico, pues se convierte en la apuesta pedagógica de la Universidad. Aprender a aprender es uno de esos conceptos esquivos de los que casi todo el mundo cree saber su significado, (...)
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  14. Hegelian Roots of Axel Honneth's Theory of Recognition.Mete Han Arıtürk - 2021 - MSFAU Journal of Social Sciences 23 (1):15-27.
    This study attempts to understand whether there were changes over time in Hegel’s opinions on the idea of recognition, which were the basis of Axel Honneth’s theory of recognition, and how later philosophers writing on recognition and intersubjectivity have comprehended Hegel’s intellectual heritage, together with their criticism of peculiar aspects of Hegel’s point of view. In this regard, in order to be able to understand Honneth’s theory of recognition, it is necessary to inquire into the relation between Honneth’s and Hegel’s (...)
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  15. Metáforas de lo político.María G. Navarro - 2019 - In Isabel Roldán, Rosana Triviño Caballero, María G. Navarro, David Rodríguez-Arias & Concha Roldán (eds.), Hacer justicia haciendo compañía: Homenaje a M.ª Teresa López de la Vieja (editores: Isabel Roldán Gómez, Rosana Triviño Caballero, María G. Navarro, David Rodríguez-Arias, Concha Roldán Panadero). Salamanca, España: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca. pp. 175-186.
    «Fortaleza» y «debilidad» son dos adjetivos que se han utilizado prolijamente en la literatura científica sobre institucionalismo para describir la permanencia o, por el contrario, la porosidad y maleabilidad de las reglas y principios rectores en los que están atrincheradas las instituciones que sobreviven en equilibrio y, por tanto, no son alteradas unilateralmente.
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  16. Scoring Individual Moral Inclination for the CNI Test.Yi Chen, Benjamin Lugu, Wenchao Ma & Hyemin Han - 2024 - Stats 7 (3):894-905.
    Item response theory (IRT) is a modern psychometric framework for estimating respondents’ latent traits (e.g., ability, attitude, and personality) based on their responses to a set of questions in psychological tests. The current study adopted an item response tree (IRTree) method, which combines the tree model with IRT models for handling the sequential process of responding to a test item, to score individual moral inclination for the CNI test—a broadly adopted model for examining humans’ moral decision-making with three parameters generated: (...)
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    Parpadeos de libertad: la causa-agente y el principio de posibilidades alternativas.Carlos G. Patarroyo G. - 2009 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 52 (52):11-34.
    En 1969 Harry Frankfurt publica su seminal artículo “Alternate Possibilities and Moral Responsibility”. Allí ataca la necesidad del principio de posibilidades alternativas (PPA) para la adscripción de responsabilidad moral a los agentes cuando estos realizan una acción. Desde entonces, muchos han sido los intentos de defender el PPA y de mostrar su necesidad para la adscripción de la responsabilidad moral. En este ensayo se examina uno de esos intentos: el que se basa en la causalidad-agencial propuesta por Thomas Reid (1710-1796), (...)
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    ¿Cómo navegar el camino hacia la ética en IA?Claudia López, G. Arriagada Bruneau & Alexandra Davidoff - 2023 - Bits de Ciencia 1 (25):35-43.
    En este artículo relatamos cómo el Centro Nacional de Inteligencia Artifcial (CENIA) busca abordar las consideraciones éticas en sus proyectos de investigación de IA. Hemos conformado un Grupo de Trabajo en Ética (GTE) con representantes de cada línea de investigación del Centro y, en conjunto, hemos explorado diferentes desafíos que aquí resumimos. Primero, discutimos si el enfoque ético en IA requiere un análisis adicional al de los comités de ética de investigación. Luego, revisamos los principios que se han propuesto para (...)
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  19. Esbozo para una interpretación política en El destino del hombre de J. G. Fichte. Outline for a political interpretation in J. G. Fichte’s The vocation of Man.Choque Osman - 2023 - Yachay 77:127-153.
    El artículo se centra en el escrito Die Bestimmung des Menschen [El destino del hombre] con el fin de poner de manifiesto un conjunto de ideas sobre la política. Dentro de la obra del filósofo, los intérpretes han señalado en contadas ocasiones que de este escrito se desprende una vertiente que conduce a pensamientos acerca de la política. La reflexión sistemática de Johann Gottlieb Fichte sobre el derecho y la política se desarrolla en otras publicaciones o textos de referencia, como (...)
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  20. Nietzsche as Phenomenalist?Pietro Gori - 2011 - In Helmut Heit, Günter Abel & Marco Brusotti (eds.), Nietzsches Wissenschaftsphilosophie: Hintergründe, Wirkungen und Aktualität. de Gruyter. pp. 345-356.
    During the second decade of the 20th century Hans Kleinpeter, an Austrian scholar devoted to the development of the modern science, published some brief papers on Nietzsche’s thought. Kleinpeter has been one of the main upholders of Mach’s epistemology and probably the first who connected his ideas with the philosophy of Nietzsche. In his book on Der Phänomenalismus (1913) he described a new world view that arose in the 19th century, a perspective that ‒ according to him ‒ completely (...)
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  21. Nietzsche's and Pessoa's Psychological Fictionalism.Pietro Gori & Antonio Cardiello - 2016 - Pessoa Plural 10:578-605.
    In a note to G.R.S. Mead’s "Quests Old and New", where he found a section devoted to Hans Vaihinger’s main ideas, Fernando Pessoa reflects on the consequences of the fictionalist approach to both our perception of the I and the value of consciousness. These questions correspond to some statements that we find in Nietzsche’s writings, which in particular Vaihinger refers to in his Die Philosophie des Als-ob. Our aim is thus to compare Nietzsche’s and Pessoa’s view of the I (...)
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  22. ‘Grasping the Difficulty in its Depth’: Wittgenstein and Globally Engaged Philosophy.Thomas D. Carroll - 2019 - Sophia 60 (1):1-18.
    In recent years, philosophers have used expressions of Wittgenstein’s (e.g. “language-games,” “form of life,” and “family resemblance”) in attempts to conceive of the discipline of philosophy in a broad, open, and perhaps global way. These Wittgenstein-inspired approaches indicate an awareness of the importance of cultural and historical diversity for approaching philosophical questions. While some philosophers have taken inspiration from Wittgenstein in embracing contextualism in philosophical hermeneutics, Wittgenstein himself was more instrumental than contextual in his treatment of other philosophers; his focus (...)
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  23. (1 other version)Politiske ideer i Platons *Phaidon*. Sokrates' argumenter for sjælens udødelighed som et forsvar for menneskelig frihed.Jens Kristian Larsen - 2018 - Agora : Journal for Metafysisk Spekulasjon 35 (2-3):46-68.
    I denne artikel argumenteres der for, at døden i Phaidon primært skal forstås metaforisk, som sjælens adskillelse fra kroppen i den rene tænkning. Artiklens hovedtese er, at de fire argumenter for sjælens udødelighed, der findes i dialogen, skal læses som en fremadskridende afklaring af, hvilken væremåde sjælen har, når den isolerer sig fra kroppen, snarere end at læses bogstaveligt som beviser for, at sjælen er udødelig. Tillige argumenteres der for, at den såkaldt anden sejlads – Sokrates’ beskrivelse af, hvorledes han (...)
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  24. Anatomia e Fisiologia do Sistema Reprodutivo dos Animais Domésticos.Emanuel Isaque Da Silva - manuscript
    BAIXE O PDF COMPLETO COM 58 FIGURAS E 50 PÁGINAS!!! -/- INTRODUÇÃO Conhecer a anatomia de um aparelho representa a base para seu estudo amplo e profundo, além de facilitar a compreensão de seu funcionamento. Por isso é importante o conhecimento da anatomia funcional do aparelho reprodutor, já que sua análise permite fixar sólidas bases para o estudo do fenômeno pelo qual se perpetuam as espécies: a reprodução. Nos subtemas compreendidos referentes ao macho e a fêmea, descreve-se cada um dos (...)
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  25. Lendo o Salmo 46 em contextos possíveis.Adriano da Silva Carvalho - 2023 - Pesquisas Em Teologia 6 (1):159-174. Translated by Adriano da Silva Carvalho.
    The history of the interpretation of Psalm 46 has been articulated around the search for its context. Some commentators have sought to pin its historical circumstance to certain events in Israel's past, such as the siege of Sennacherib's army over Judah or a major geological event such as an earthquake. Others have asserted that the author of the Psalm did not have in mind a past event, but a future one, namely, a time of peace and cessation of wars. But (...)
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  26. El secreto del encuentro. La poesía de Paul Celan entre hermenéutica y deconstrucción.Andrej Božič - 2023 - Boletín de Estética (62):7-34.
    Resumen: Siguiendo el hilo conductor de la pregunta sobre cómo se nos puede conceder un acceso a la poesía de Paul Celan, el artículo discute dos enfoques diferentes: por un lado, el de la experiencia hermenéutica de Hans-Georg Gadamer; por otro, el de la experiencia diseminal de Jacques Derrida. La intención de la confrontación de las posiciones opuestas respecto a la poesía de Celan no es ni examinar los supuestos y preposiciones de ambas posiciones ni impugnar la legitimidad de (...)
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  27. História do pensamento social na Alemanha: uma abordagem histórica.Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva - manuscript
    HISTÓRIA DA SOCIOLOGIA: O DESENVOLVIMENTO DA SOCIOLOGIA I -/- A SOCIOLOGIA NA ALEMANHA -/- -/- HISTORY OF SOCIOLOGY: THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIOLOGY I -/- SOCIOLOGY IN GERMANY -/- -/- -/- Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva – IFPE-BJ, CAP-UFPE e UFRPE. E-mail's: [email protected] e [email protected]. WhatsApp: (82)9.8143-8399. -/- PREMISSA -/- Na Alemanha, a Sociologia foi profundamente influenciada pela discussão filosófica, histórica e metodológica que se desenvolveu entre o final do século XIX e o início do século XX. Em seus fundamentos encontra-se (...)
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  28. Leibniz ja Eythyfronin dilemma.Markku Roinila - 2010 - In Kristian Klockars, Ilkka Niiniluoto & Kristina Rolin (eds.), Oikeus. University of Helsinki.
    Julkaisematta jääneessä muistiossaan Mietteitä oikeuden yleiskäsitteestä (1702-1703?) G. W. Leibniz muotoilee uudelleen Platonin Euthyfron-dialogissa esitetyn kuuluisan kysymyksen. Hän kirjoittaa: ”Myönnetään, että kaikki mitä Jumala tahtoo, on hyvää ja oikein. Sen sijaan kysytään, onko se hyvää ja oikein siksi että Jumala niin tahtoo, vai tahtooko Jumala sitä koska se on hyvää ja oikein. Eli kysytään, onko hyvyys tai oikeus jotakin mielivaltaista, vai koostuvatko ne asioiden luonnetta koskevista välttämättömistä ja ikuisista totuuksista, kuten luvut ja suhteet.” Universaaleja, ikuisia totuuksia puolustava filosofi ei voi (...)
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  29. Elämän jatkumo Leibnizilla.Markku Roinila - 2005 - In Jussi Haukioja & Juha Räikkä (eds.), Elämän merkitys: Filosofisia kirjoituksia elämästä. Unipress.
    Leeuwenhoekin kokeilut mikroskoopilla 1600-luvun lopulla olivat G. W. Leibnizille suuri innoituksen lähde. Monadologia-teoksessaan Leibniz hehkutti keksinnön merkitystä ja antoi ymmärtää, että sillä löydetyt pikkuruiset eliöt todistivat hänen metafyysisen pluralisminsa oikeaksi. Hänen mukaansa "huomataan, että pienimmässäkin osasessa ainetta on kokonainen elävien olioiden, eläinten, entelekhioiden ja sielujen maailma." Näin Leibnizin ajatus elämän jatkumosta sai uutta pontta. -/- Keksinnön vaikutus näkyy myös Leibnizin teoksessa Uusia esseitä inhimillisestä ymmärryksestä, jossa hän esittelee pienet perseptiot, joita voidaan pitää tietoteoreettisena vastineena pieneliöille. -/- Tarkastelen esitelmässäni Leibnizin reaktioita (...)
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  30. Carl Schmitt'in Hukuk Düşüncesinde Demokrasi ve Diktatörlük Tartışması.Suat Kutay Küçükler - 2023 - İstanbul: On İki Levha Yayıncılık.
    Bu kitap, Carl Schmitt'in demokrasi ve diktatörlük üzerine düşüncelerini politik felsefenin sorgu sahasında ele almayı amaçlayarak Schmitt'i kendi döneminin polemikleri arasında konumlandırmaktadır. Bu amaçla Weimar dönemi hukukçuları üzerinde önemli etkisi olan Carl Friedrich Wilhelm von Gerber ve Paul Laband'ın anayasa düşünceleri ekseninde Alman İmparatorluğu'nun hukuk mirası incelenmiştir. Weimar Cumhuriyeti'nin krizlerle şekillenen politik atmosferi, politik felsefe açısından verimli tartışmaların ortaya çıkmasını sağlamıştır. Bu tartışmaların izi; dönemin hukukçularından Gerhard Anschütz, Richard Thoma, Georg Jellinek, Hans Kelsen ve Hermann Heller'ın demokrasi ve diktatörlük (...)
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  31. Sanatta Sahtecilik Üzerine.Alper Yavuz - 2018 - In Berrin Taş (ed.), Kaç İnsanı Yaşadım. Cengiz Gündoğdu'nun 75. Yaşına Armağan. İnsancıl Yayınları. pp. 112-117.
    Bu yazıda bir sanat yapıtının sahte olmasının ne anlama geldiği incelenmektedir. Bu amaçla iki tür sahtecilik türü olan yapıt kopyacılığı ve biçem kopyacılığı birbirinden ayırt edilmektedir. İlk tür kopyacılık ile ilgili temel tartışma bir yapıtın aslından ayırt edilemeyecek kadar iyi bir kopyası neden yine de sanatsal olarak aslından daha değersiz bulunur, sorusuyla ilgilidir. İkinci tür kopyacılıkta ise temel soru bir sanatçının biçemini taklit ederek "yeni" yapıtlar üretmenin sanatsal açıdan nasıl değerlendirilmesi gerektiğidir. Yazıda bu ikinci tür kopyacılık, Hollandalı ressam Van Meegeren'in (...)
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  32. Johann Georg Heinrich Feder. Ausgewählte Schriften / Empirismus und Popularphilosophie Zwischen Wolff und Kant. [REVIEW]Michael Walschots - 2020 - Arbitrium 38 (1):81-83.
    Review of two recent works on J.G.H. Feder: -/- Johann Georg Heinrich Feder. Ausgewählte Schriften. Hrgb. Von Hans-Peter Nowitzki, Udo Roth, Gideon Stiening. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2018. Werkprofile Band 9. -/- and -/- Johann Georg Heinrich Feder (1740-1821): Empirismus und Popularphilosophie Zwischen Wolff und Kant. Hrgb. Von Hans-Peter Nowitzki, Udo Roth, Gideon Stiening. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2018. Werkprofile Band 10.
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  33. (1 other version)Propositional Justification and Doxastic Justification.Paul Silva & Luis R. G. Oliveira - 2024 - In Maria Lasonen-Aarnio & Clayton Littlejohn (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Evidence. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  34. National Center for Biomedical Ontology: Advancing biomedicine through structured organization of scientific knowledge.Daniel L. Rubin, Suzanna E. Lewis, Chris J. Mungall, Misra Sima, Westerfield Monte, Ashburner Michael, Christopher G. Chute, Ida Sim, Harold Solbrig, M. A. Storey, Barry Smith, John D. Richter, Natasha Noy & Mark A. Musen - 2006 - Omics: A Journal of Integrative Biology 10 (2):185-198.
    The National Center for Biomedical Ontology is a consortium that comprises leading informaticians, biologists, clinicians, and ontologists, funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Roadmap, to develop innovative technology and methods that allow scientists to record, manage, and disseminate biomedical information and knowledge in machine-processable form. The goals of the Center are (1) to help unify the divergent and isolated efforts in ontology development by promoting high quality open-source, standards-based tools to create, manage, and use ontologies, (2) to create (...)
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  35. A Theory of Metaphysical Indeterminacy.Elizabeth Barnes & J. Robert G. Williams - 2011 - In Karen Bennett & Dean W. Zimmerman (eds.), Oxford Studies in Metaphysics Volume 6. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 103-148.
    If the world itself is metaphysically indeterminate in a specified respect, what follows? In this paper, we develop a theory of metaphysical indeterminacy answering this question.
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  36. Psychologists’ responsibility to society: Public policy and the ethics of political action.Luke R. Allen & Cody G. Dodd - 2018 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 38 (1):42-53.
    In the United States, prohibitionist policies are used as the primary approach to combat the negative effect of substance use on society. An extensive academic literature spanning the disciplines of economics, political science, and multiculturalism documents the great social costs of the United States’ “War on Drugs” both nationally and internationally. These costs come with at best marginal effect on substance abuse and other crimes linked to the drug trade. In many cases, there is a reason to believe that these (...)
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  37. (1 other version)A New Science of Politics? Hans Kelsens Reply to Eric Voegelin’s "New Science of Politics".Hans Kelsen - 2004 - Ontos Verlag. Edited by Eckhart Arnold.
    Hans Kelsen's thorough critique of Eric Voegelin's "New Science of Politcs" is - in my oppinion - the best commentary on Voegelin that has been written so far.
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  38. Practical Interests, Relevant Alternatives, and Knowledge Attributions: An Empirical Study.Joshua May, Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, Jay G. Hull & Aaron Zimmerman - 2010 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 1 (2):265–273.
    In defending his interest-relative account of knowledge in Knowledge and Practical Interests (2005), Jason Stanley relies heavily on intuitions about several bank cases. We experimentally test the empirical claims that Stanley seems to make concerning our common-sense intuitions about these bank cases. Additionally, we test the empirical claims that Jonathan Schaffer seems to make in his critique of Stanley. We argue that our data impugn what both Stanley and Schaffer claim our intuitions about such cases are. To account for these (...)
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  39. AI language models cannot replace human research participants.Jacqueline Harding, William D’Alessandro, N. G. Laskowski & Robert Long - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (5):2603-2605.
    In a recent letter, Dillion et. al (2023) make various suggestions regarding the idea of artificially intelligent systems, such as large language models, replacing human subjects in empirical moral psychology. We argue that human subjects are in various ways indispensable.
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  40. Farmer’s Life: The Psychological Well-being, Lived Experiences, and Challenges.Galilee Jordan Ancheta, Shan Micheal Capagalan, Raina May G. Ortega, Jayra Blanco, Charles Brixter Sotto Evangelista, Jericho Balading, Liezl Fulgencio, Andrea Mae Santiago, Christian Dave Francisco, Micaiah Andrea Gumasing Lopez & Jhoselle Tus - 2023 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 7 (1):189-201.
    With the rising poverty in the Philippines, Filipino farm workers in Agusan del Sur faced distinctive challenges in their homes and working environment. This study aimed to discuss Filipino farm workers’ lived experiences, challenges, and coping mechanisms. Filipino farm workers shared their experiences that tapped into their psychological aspects. Mainly, the problem was stress, worry, and frustration centered on poverty and educational attainment. Some farm workers were likely unaware of the main problem that prolonged their hardships. Still, most have managed (...)
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  41. Amidst the ASF Outbreak: The Job Burnout and Employee Performance in the Feed Industry.Nicole P. Francisco, Waren G. Mendoza, Christine Mae S. Boquiren, Michelle Anne Vivien De Jesus, Samantha Nicole N. Dilag, Mary Angeli Z. Menor, Zyresse Katrine P. Jose & Jhoselle Tus - 2023 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 9 (1):595-602.
    This study aims to investigate the relationship between job burnout and employee performance in the feed industry during the ASF outbreak. Further, the researchers employed a descriptive-correlational research design in order to analyze the acquired data and produce pertinent findings. Thus, the researchers gathered data from one hundred two (102) feed industry employees. The Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) and Individual Work Performance Questionnaire (IWPQ) were employed to ascertain the extent of job burnout experienced by the respondents and evaluate employee performance, (...)
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  42. Attainable and Relevant Moral Exemplars Are More Effective than Extraordinary Exemplars in Promoting Voluntary Service Engagement.Hyemin Han, Jeongmin Kim, Changwoo Jeong & Geoffrey L. Cohen - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:283.
    The present study aimed to develop effective moral educational interventions based on social psychology by using stories of moral exemplars. We tested whether motivation to engage in voluntary service as a form of moral behavior was better promoted by attainable and relevant exemplars or by unattainable and irrelevant exemplars. First, experiment 1, conducted in a lab, showed that stories of attainable exemplars more effectively promoted voluntary service activity engagement among undergraduate students compared with stories of unattainable exemplars and non-moral stories. (...)
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  43. Discussion of “Biomedical informatics: We are what we publish”.Geissbuhler Antoine, W. E. Hammond, A. Hasman, R. Hussein, R. Koppel, C. A. Kulikowski, V. Maojo, F. Martin-Sanchez, P. W. Moorman, Moura La, F. G. De Quiros, M. J. Schuemle, Barry Smith & J. Talmon - 2013 - Methods of Information in Medicine 52 (6):547-562.
    This article is part of a For-Discussion-Section of Methods of Information in Medicine about the paper "Biomedical Informatics: We Are What We Publish", written by Peter L. Elkin, Steven H. Brown, and Graham Wright. It is introduced by an editorial. This article contains the combined commentaries invited to independently comment on the Elkin et al. paper. In subsequent issues the discussion can continue through letters to the editor.
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  44. The psychology of memory, extended cognition, and socially distributed remembering.John Sutton, Celia B. Harris, Paul G. Keil & Amanda J. Barnier - 2010 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 9 (4):521-560.
    This paper introduces a new, expanded range of relevant cognitive psychological research on collaborative recall and social memory to the philosophical debate on extended and distributed cognition. We start by examining the case for extended cognition based on the complementarity of inner and outer resources, by which neural, bodily, social, and environmental resources with disparate but complementary properties are integrated into hybrid cognitive systems, transforming or augmenting the nature of remembering or decision-making. Adams and Aizawa, noting this distinctive complementarity argument, (...)
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  45. The politics of becoming: Disidentification as radical democratic practice.Hans Asenbaum - 2021 - European Journal of Social Theory 24 (1):86-104.
    Current radical democratic politics is characterized by new participatory spaces for citizens’ engagement, which aim at facilitating the democratic ideals of freedom and equality. These spaces are, however, situated in the context of deep societal inequalities. Modes of discrimination are carried over into participatory interaction. The democratic subject is judged by its physically embodied appearance, which replicates external hierarchies and impedes the freedom of self-expression. To tackle this problem, this article seeks to identify ways to increase the freedom of the (...)
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  46. Novel sequence feature variant type analysis of the HLA genetic association in systemic sclerosis.R. Karp David, Marthandan Nishanth, G. E. Marsh Steven, Ahn Chul, C. Arnett Frank, S. DeLuca David, D. Diehl Alexander, Dunivin Raymond, Eilbeck Karen, Feolo Michael & Barry Smith - 2009 - Human Molecular Genetics 19 (4):707-719.
    Significant associations have been found between specific human leukocyte antigen (HLA) alleles and organ transplant rejection, autoimmune disease development, and the response to infection. Traditional searches for disease associations have conventionally measured risk associated with the presence of individual HLA alleles. However, given the high level of HLA polymorphism, the pattern of amino acid variability, and the fact that most of the HLA variation occurs at functionally important sites, it may be that a combination of variable amino acid sites shared (...)
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  47. Compatibilism and Retributivist Desert Moral Responsibility: On What is of Central Philosophical and Practical Importance.Gregg D. Caruso & Stephen G. Morris - 2017 - Erkenntnis 82 (4):837-855.
    Much of the recent philosophical discussion about free will has been focused on whether compatibilists can adequately defend how a determined agent could exercise the type of free will that would enable the agent to be morally responsible in what has been called the basic desert sense :5–24, 1994; Fischer in Four views on free will, Wiley, Hoboken, 2007; Vargas in Four views on free will, Wiley, Hoboken, 2007; Vargas in Philos Stud, 144:45–62, 2009). While we agree with Derk Pereboom (...)
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  48. Disfluency attenuates the reception of pseudoprofound and postmodernist bullshit.Ryan E. Tracy, Nicolas Porot, Eric Mandelbaum & Steven G. Young - 2023 - Thinking and Reasoning 1 (4):579-611.
    Four studies explore the role of perceptual fluency in attenuating bullshit receptivity, or the tendency for individuals to rate otherwise meaningless statements as “profound”. Across four studies, we presented participants with a sample of pseudoprofound bullshit statements in either a fluent or disfluent font and found that overall, disfluency attenuated bullshit receptivity while also finding little evidence that this effect was moderated by cognitive thinking style. In all studies, we measured participants’ cognitive reflection, need for cognition, faith in intuition, and (...)
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  49. Which moral exemplars inspire prosociality?Hyemin han, Clifford Ian Workman, Joshua May, Payton Scholtens, Kelsie J. Dawson, Andrea L. Glenn & Peter Meindl - 2022 - Philosophical Psychology 35 (7):943-970.
    Some stories of moral exemplars motivate us to emulate their admirable attitudes and behaviors, but why do some exemplars motivate us more than others? We systematically studied how motivation to emulate is influenced by the similarity between a reader and an exemplar in social or cultural background (Relatability) and how personally costly or demanding the exemplar’s actions are (Attainability). Study 1 found that university students reported more inspiration and related feelings after reading true stories about the good deeds of a (...)
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  50. (1 other version)Mental Health and Academic Motivation Among Graduating College Students: A Correlational Study.Reignell Mariz A. Imperial, Jonan Jeff S. Ibanga, Josaiah M. David, Joana Mae G. Macapagal & Jhoselle Tus - 2023 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 10 (1):902-908.
    This study investigates the significant relationship between mental health and academic motivation among graduating students. Thus, the study employed a correlational design to determine if there is a significant relationship between mental health and academic motivation among 150 graduating college students. Hence, the Mental Health Inventory 38 (MHI-38) and Academic Motivation Scale (AMS-C28) were employed to measure the study variables. Moreover, statistical analysis reveals that the r coefficient of 0.35 indicates a low positive correlation between the variables. The p-value of (...)
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